and Goals
The Universidade Lusófona de Lisboa is the activity leader of the Result R5 – HANDS-ON AND EVALUATION TOOL.
The activity Goal
A tool-box in which learning outcomes will be tracked and evaluated (via the KPI definition/assessment), also reporting the hands-on experiences carried out during trainees co-tutored by universities and museums.
The Training Handbook is probably the most important and representative intellectual output of the whole project, because it collects in a single document all the best practices and the essence of the DCBOX experience.

D5.1 Training & Report
Each university (UNIVPM, LUSO, CYI, UCO, UNI) will be responsible to obtain a sufficient number of hosting institution for the training activities. The Universities will warrant one month of trainer ship for each student involved in the activity. Commitment of museums operators and director will be essential for the hands-on activities to be evaluated. They will also serve as tutor for the activities and draw up the report, together with each student involved.
D5.2 KPI for evaluating learning outcomes / learning performances
The literature in Education highlight a gap in defining a shared methodology to quantify the benefits gained in terms of learning when using Digital Technologies, and especially in the field of Cultural Heritage. This deliverable represent a good occasion to define KPIs for quantitatively evaluate the results of the learning outcomes, for the students who attended the Learning modules (PR3) and participated to the Virtual Labs (PR4).
D5.3 Handbook The Training Handbook
The handbook will provide the methodology, based on scientific findings, to quantitatively evaluate the learning benefits of Digital Technologies in the field of CH. For this, KPIs developed over existing taxonomies will pave the way to a shared way to measure the impacts of Digital Technologies. This model can be replicated within the school environment for all levels of education. The goal is to present the PR5 during the Final Multiplier Event in Rome.