DCBox started officially on the 1st of December 2021. The first months was entirely used to finalise all the administrative procedure: request and release of CUP for the Italian partners; early communications and exchanges among partners; signature and submission of the Grant Agreement; preparation of the Partnership Agreement.
The second half of January and the first weeks of February were used for pre-emptive meetings among partners (especially between the Lead Partners and those accountable for project results) and for the set-up of all the project management products (for a more detailed description of those, please refer to the following box).
The kick-off meeting, originally meant to be held in presence in Ancona, turned into an online one due to the critical situation related to Covid-19 pandemic.
The KoM that took place on the 23rd of February through Microsoft Teams. In this occasion, project partners had the chance to:
- introduce or better know each other;
- show the roadmap and the deadlines;
- detail results, expected goals and impact (R1 presented by the Cyprus Institute; R2 by Universidad of Cordoba; R3 by Sinergia; R4 by UNIVPM);
- discuss about the management strategy and the relevant products;
- introduce the communication strategy and products.
The meeting was attended by 25 people representing the 7 partners, and it lasted approximately 4 hours.