• Post published:July 14, 2022
You are currently viewing DCBox Summer Meeting

DCBox partners decided to meet one again before the summer holidays in order to take stock of project progresses.

The online meeting was mainly focused on 4 points:

  • Result 1: The report “Digital Curator Map & Design” and the “interactive georeferenced map”. Almost finalised. These deliverables just need to be finetuned with additional content and inputs by partners.
  • Result 2: The syllabus is made up of 4 modules (Digital Transformation of cultural heritage, Advanced 3D Digitization, Policy Rules and Licensing / Digital Data Preservation, Universal Design and Virtual Experiences) for a total duration of 50 lessons (8 minutes each approximately). 2 ECTS can be given to those students who will attend the whole theoretical TC. The responsible partners are also in charge of deciding the learning outcomes and the competence level of each module.

A new roadmap was agreed by partners to finalise all the expected mid-term results: specific competences, objectives and learning outcomes of each module (05/08), drafting of the storyboard for each lesson (20/09), definition of reference material (video, paper? Web material? 20/09), proofreading of the storyboard (05/10), recording and publishing of videos (05/11).

  • Communication: The recruitment of master’s students should get started. UNIVPM showed a sample of call for engagement, defining the most important requirements and partners’ tasks.
  • Learning Training Activities: The original proposal is to schedule the LTTA in M13 in Lisbon (December 2022). However, considering the Christmas holidays the only possible week would 7 – 9 December 2022. Alternatively, the proposal is to schedule it in the second or third week of January 2023 (option preferred by LUSO itself). Lusofona University will prepare and share a Doodle to take a final decision.